Scientific program
A. Pons-Guiraud (Dermatologist, Paris)
Sensitive skin, from psychosomatic complaints to allergies: clinical aspects and therapy approach
S. Consoli (Dermatologist, Paris)
Psychological aspects of sensitive skin types
C. Hagège (Collège de France, Paris)
Semantics of sensitive skin
P. Mac Leod (Institut du Goût, Paris)
Sensory characteristics of sensitive skin types
H. Maibach (Dermatologist, San Francisco, USA)
Sensitive skin types and classification
L. Misery (Dermatologist, Brest)
Pathophysiology of reactive skins
C. Couderot (Besançon)
Biometrology of sensitive skin
Ch. Taïeb (Pharmaco-economic program manager – Pierre Fabre)
Epidemiology of sensitive skin
S. Blomme (Psychotherapist, Gent)
Clinical cases: the psychotherapist's perspective