Scientific program
S. Andrieu (INSERM, Gérontopôle - Geriatrics research center, Toulouse)
Epidemiology and economic impact on Seniors
G. Abellan (geriatrician, Gérontopôle - Geriatrics research center, Toulouse)
Fragility syndrome among elderly persons
F. Forette (geriatrician, Broca Hospital, Paris)
The Longevity challenge
B. Vellas (geriatrician, Gérontopôle, - Geriatrics research center, Toulouse)
Therapeutic prospects in gerontology
C. Beylot (dermatologist, Bordeaux University Hospital Center)
The physiology and mechanism of skin aging
J.H. Saurat (dermatologist, Hospital of Geneva)
Dermatoporosis: definition
C. Vieu (dermatologist, Toulouse)
Prevalence of dermatoporosis
J.H. Saurat (dermatologist, Hospital of Geneva)
Mechanism and treatment of dermatoporosis. Hyaluronic acid: new classification