Previous meetings
Buenos Aires
Scientific program
Fernando M Stengel (ARGENTINA)

Fernando M Stengel is the Medical Director of Buenos Aires Skin and President of the Fundación del Cáncer de Piel, Argentina. He received his MD from the University of Buenos Aires Medical School, Argentina, completed his Internal Medicine Residency at the “Instituto Modelo”, University of Buenos Aires - Hospital Rawson and subsequently completed a Dermatology Residency at New York University School of Medicine. Before returning to Argentina he was an Assistant Professor of Dermatology at NYU Medical School, Dpt. of Dermatology.
Dr. Stengel served as Editor in Chief and Associate Editor of “Archivos Argentinos de Dermatología” for over 20 years, became interim chief of Service at University Hospital Dermatology Service and subsequently served as Prof. of Dermatology, Director of the Residency Program and Chief of the Dermatology Service at “Cemic University Institute” until 2012. His main areas of interest are Photodermatology and Skin Cancer. He has published over 40 articles, written educational booklets for children and youngsters and has promoted Photoeducation (the knowledge and practice of a healthy Skin - Sun relation) throughout Latin America. He is former President of the 2010 RADLA meeting, was Scientific Secretary of the 2007 World Congress of Dermatology in Buenos Aires and President of the World Congress of Cancers of the Skin (Skin Cancer Foundation – 1995).
Dr. Stengel is co Director of the Argentine Melanoma Registry and serves as a member of the Editorial Board of Photodermatology, Photoimmunology & Photomedicine. He is an elected honorary member of multiple dermatology organizations in Lat Am and a member of the Argentine Society of Dermatology, American Academy of Dermatology and the American Dermatological Association.
Renato Marchiori Bakos (BRAZIL)
Clinical and dermoscopic guidance in non-surgical treatment of NMSC

Renato Marchiori Bakos, PhD, received his medical training at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre, Brazil). He completed his Dermatology Residency at Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. He worked as a post-graduate student at Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich, where he developed research projects mainly in Oncodermatology for his Fellowship. Prof Bakos is Adjunct Professor at the Department of Dermatology – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre and is currently the Chairman of the Department.
He also has a private practice. His main fields of interest in Dermatology are skin cancer and diagnostic techniques in Dermatology, especially dermoscopy. He coordinates study groups in Oncodermatology at his institution and performs projects with international cooperation and collaboration with Post-Graduate students from the Post-Graduation Course in Medical Sciences. He is currently member of the Board direction of the International Dermoscopy Society and of the Brazilian Group for Melanoma Research (Grupo Brasileiro de Melanomas). He is also effective member of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology, American Academy of Dermatology, International Dermoscopy Society and Brazilian Group for Melanoma Research. Prof Bakos is a member of the editorial board of Dermatology Practical & Conceptual.
Raúl Cabrera (CHILE)
Unusual clinical presentations of Melanoma

Dr. Raúl Cabrera is Chairman of the Department of Dermatology at Universidad del Desarrollo-Clínica Alemana de Santiago de Chile. He received his MD from the University of Chile and completed his dermatology residency at the University of Chile´s School of Medicine. He did a fellowship in Immunodermatology at the Department of Dermatology at the University of Minnesota, USA, and has published many articles in prestigious medical journals in the fields of immunodermatology, skin cancer and dermatoscopy.
Dr. Cabrera is member of the Chilean Society of Immunology and the Chilean Society of Allergy and Immunology. He became president of the Chilean Society of Dermatology in 2002-2004 and president of the Latin American Annual Meeting (R.A.D.L.A) in 2006. He has been a member of the Ibero-Latin American College of Dermatology (C.I.L.A.D) since 1986, and its scientific director from 2008-2012.
Dr. Cabrera has been a member of the American Academy of Dermatology since 1990, and member of the Committee on International Affairs of the American Academy of Dermatology 1993-1997. He is member of the following editorial boards: “Dermatología Argentina”, “Revista Chilena de Dermatología”, “European Medical Journal of Dermatology”, “Treatment Strategies-Dermatology”, “Dermatología CMQ, de México” and was an editorial board member for the Journal of American Academy of Dermatology the years 2004-2012. He is member of the International Dermoscopy Society, and is an honorary member of the Peruvian Society of Dermatology.
Tatiana Pinto Blumetti (BRAZIL)
Advances on noninvasive imaging tools in the diagnosis of skin cancer

Tatiana Blumetti, MD, PhD, received her board certification in dermatology in 2008 from the Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Dr. Blumetti´s line of research since 2010 has been the early diagnosis of melanoma and other skin cancers, when she joined the University of Sydney (Australia) for one year as a research associate in cutaneous oncology. She has participated in clinical trials on targeted therapies for metastatic melanoma and their adverse cutaneous events and has gained experience in confocal microscopy.
Dr. Blumetti started working at A.C. Camargo Cancer Cencer in 2012 and has since mainly based her clinical practice on cutaneous oncology and research activities in dermatologic imaging (digital dermoscopy in high-risk patients, confocal microscopy and optical coherence tomography). Dr. Blumetti obtained her PhD degree working on a study of optical coherence tomography in melanocytic lesions.
Dr. Blumetti´s main fields of research include skin oncology, early diagnosis of melanoma, dermoscopy, confocal microscopy and optical coherence tomography.
Abel González (ARGENTINA)
Sentinel lymph node biopsy

Board certified in General Surgery.
Board certified in Thoracic Surgery.
Board certified in Head and Neck Surgery
Rodrigo Roldán Marín (MEXICO)
Dermoscopy workshop

Board-certified dermatologist in Mexico. Fellowship in Dermoscopy and other noninvasive diagnostic techniques at the Melanoma Unit of the Hospital Clínic in Barcelona, Spain.
Full time Assistant Professor and Head of the Dermato-Oncology Clinic at the Medical School of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) in Mexico City.
He is a member of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), European Association of Dermato-Oncology (EADO), International Dermoscopy Society (IDS), Colegio Ibero Latinoamericano de Dermatología (CILAD), Academia Mexicana de Dermatología (AMD), Sociedad Mexicana de Dermatología, A.C. (SMDAC) and Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI-CONACYT).
His main research fields include skin cancer, dermoscopy and reflectance confocal microscopy.
Gabriel Salerni (ARGENTINA)
Dermoscopy workshop

Dr. Gabriel Salerni, Medical degree by Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, 2001; Dermatologist degree by Universidad Nacional de Rosario, 2007; Master's Degree, Master in "Research in Clinical Sciences" (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain), 2008/2009; Doctor in Medicine (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain) in 2012. Qualitifation: ExcellentCum Laude. Extraordinary PhD Award 2012/2013; Research Fellow at the Melanoma Unit of the Hospital Clínic in Barcelona, Spain, from 2007 to 2010.
Dr. Gabriel Salerni is Coordinator of the Department of Skin Tumors of the Dermatology Service of the Hospital Provincial del Centenario de Rosario, and guest lecturer in the Specialization in Dermatology course of the UNR from 2010 to the present. Former teacher at the National University of Rosario.
He is Member of the board of the case discussion forum of the International Dermoscopy Society since 2009. Member of the Sociedad Argentina de Dermatología (SAD), International Dermoscopy Society (IDS), European Association of Dermatology-Oncology (EADO) and ColegioIbero-Latinoamericano de Dermatología (CILAD).
He is invited as Guest speaker in many courses, meetings and congresses in Argentina and abroad.
Dr Gabriel Salerni is Author and co-author of numerous publications in international journals, most indexed in Pubmed and among the first places of the international ranking of the specialty. Co-author of chapters in Dermatology books and Atlas of Dermoscopy and Confocal Reflection Microscopy.
Victor Georgescu (FRANCE)
Fernando M Stengel (ARGENTINA)
Homeostasis: a challenge in Photoprotection

Fernando M Stengel is the Medical Director of Buenos Aires Skin and President of the Fundación del Cáncer de Piel, Argentina. He received his MD from the University of Buenos Aires Medical School, Argentina, completed his Internal Medicine Residency at the “Instituto Modelo”, University of Buenos Aires - Hospital Rawson and subsequently completed a Dermatology Residency at New York University School of Medicine. Before returning to Argentina he was an Assistant Professor of Dermatology at NYU Medical School, Dpt. of Dermatology.
Dr. Stengel served as Editor in Chief and Associate Editor of “Archivos Argentinos de Dermatología” for over 20 years, became interim chief of Service at University Hospital Dermatology Service and subsequently served as Prof. of Dermatology, Director of the Residency Program and Chief of the Dermatology Service at “Cemic University Institute” until 2012. His main areas of interest are Photodermatology and Skin Cancer. He has published over 40 articles, written educational booklets for children and youngsters and has promoted Photoeducation (the knowledge and practice of a healthy Skin - Sun relation) throughout Latin America. He is former President of the 2010 RADLA meeting, was Scientific Secretary of the 2007 World Congress of Dermatology in Buenos Aires and President of the World Congress of Cancers of the Skin (Skin Cancer Foundation – 1995).
Dr. Stengel is co Director of the Argentine Melanoma Registry and serves as a member of the Editorial Board of Photodermatology, Photoimmunology & Photomedicine. He is an elected honorary member of multiple dermatology organizations in Lat Am and a member of the Argentine Society of Dermatology, American Academy of Dermatology and the American Dermatological Association.
Mario E Lacouture (USA)
Skin and mucosal toxicities of the new cancer therapies

Dr. Lacouture is an Associate Professor and the director of the Oncodermatology Program in the Dermatology Service at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. He did his postdoctoral work at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, MA, an internship in General Surgery at Cleveland Clinic and residency in dermatology at The University of Chicago, IL. He received his M.D. degree from Javeriana University in Bogota, Colombia, where he grew up. His research interests span the disciplines of dermatologic conditions in cancer patients, and those that arise as a consequence of chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy or stem cell transplants. Dr. Lacouture is currently the Principal Investigator for “The CHANCE Trial”, A Prospective, Longitudinal Study of Chemotherapy-Induced Hair Changes and Alopecia, Skin Aging and Nail Changes in Women with Non-Metastatic Breast Cancer.
Dr. Lacouture is a well-known lecturer in the US and abroad on dermatologic conditions as a result of cancer therapies. He founded a clinical program that encompasses patient care, education, and research on dermatologic care in cancer patients and survivors. He is currently Co-Chair of the Skin Toxicity Study Group of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer and is on the advisory board of Cancer.Net and Bridges, the Newsletter for Cancer Survivors. In 2012, CancerCare named Dr Lacouture as Physician of the Year for his contributions to the education of people living with cancer. Dr Lacouture has published over 180 articles in peer-reviewed journals and is the author of Dr Lacouture’s Skin Care Guide for People Living With Cancer and Editor of the textbook Dermatologic Principles and Practice in Oncology.
Mario Lacouture, MD
Director, Oncodermatology Program
Associate Professor of Dermatology
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
16 East 60th St New York, NY 10022
Vincent Sibaud (FRANCE)
Skin and mucosal toxicities of the new cancer therapies

Dr Vincent Sibaud is a board certified Oncodermatologist in the department of Medical Oncology, Clinical Research and Oral Medicine, Claudius Régaud Institute, Cancer University Institute, Toulouse Oncopole France.
His clinical activity is mainly dedicated to the management of patients suffering from dermatological toxicities induced by anticancer treatments.
Dr Vincent Sibaud has published numerous peer-reviewed publications in this field. He is also the author of “Cutaneous side effects induced by targeted anticancer therapies: a new dermatology” Robert C, Sibaud V, eds (2011); “Dermatology of anticancer treatments – Practical textbook” Sibaud V, Delord JP, Robert C, eds (2014); “Drug-induced nail disorders - Anticancer therapies” in Baran & Dawber's Diseases of the Nails and their Management, Fifth Ed.2016. Editors: Baran R, DR de Berker, BM Piraccini, B.Richert, L.Thomas.
Mario E Lacouture (USA)
Hair and nail toxicities of the new cancer therapies

Dr. Lacouture is an Associate Professor and the director of the Oncodermatology Program in the Dermatology Service at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. He did his postdoctoral work at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, MA, an internship in General Surgery at Cleveland Clinic and residency in dermatology at The University of Chicago, IL. He received his M.D. degree from Javeriana University in Bogota, Colombia, where he grew up. His research interests span the disciplines of dermatologic conditions in cancer patients, and those that arise as a consequence of chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy or stem cell transplants. Dr. Lacouture is currently the Principal Investigator for “The CHANCE Trial”, A Prospective, Longitudinal Study of Chemotherapy-Induced Hair Changes and Alopecia, Skin Aging and Nail Changes in Women with Non-Metastatic Breast Cancer.
Dr. Lacouture is a well-known lecturer in the US and abroad on dermatologic conditions as a result of cancer therapies. He founded a clinical program that encompasses patient care, education, and research on dermatologic care in cancer patients and survivors. He is currently Co-Chair of the Skin Toxicity Study Group of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer and is on the advisory board of Cancer.Net and Bridges, the Newsletter for Cancer Survivors. In 2012, CancerCare named Dr Lacouture as Physician of the Year for his contributions to the education of people living with cancer. Dr Lacouture has published over 180 articles in peer-reviewed journals and is the author of Dr Lacouture’s Skin Care Guide for People Living With Cancer and Editor of the textbook Dermatologic Principles and Practice in Oncology.
Mario Lacouture, MD
Director, Oncodermatology Program
Associate Professor of Dermatology
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
16 East 60th St New York, NY 10022
Vincent Sibaud (FRANCE)
Hair and nail toxicities of the new cancer therapies

Dr Vincent Sibaud is a board certified Oncodermatologist in the department of Medical Oncology, Clinical Research and Oral Medicine, Claudius Régaud Institute, Cancer University Institute, Toulouse Oncopole France.
His clinical activity is mainly dedicated to the management of patients suffering from dermatological toxicities induced by anticancer treatments.
Dr Vincent Sibaud has published numerous peer-reviewed publications in this field. He is also the author of “Cutaneous side effects induced by targeted anticancer therapies: a new dermatology” Robert C, Sibaud V, eds (2011); “Dermatology of anticancer treatments – Practical textbook” Sibaud V, Delord JP, Robert C, eds (2014); “Drug-induced nail disorders - Anticancer therapies” in Baran & Dawber's Diseases of the Nails and their Management, Fifth Ed.2016. Editors: Baran R, DR de Berker, BM Piraccini, B.Richert, L.Thomas.
Victor Georgescu (FRANCE)
Avène Skin and Cancer