From photoprotection to dermato-oncology
Scientific program
Eggert Stockfleth (Germany)
How to teach children and adults to use sun protection, the SunPass project
Professor Eggert Stockfleth is Chair and Director of the Department of Dermatology, Venerology and Allergology at University of Bochum and Head of the European Skin Cancer Foundation (ESCF).
He began his medical training at the University of Hamburg and has also worked as visiting professor at German Cancer Center Heidelberg (DKFZ), Loyola University Chicago (USA), Mayo-Clinic Rochester, NY (USA), the University of Melbourne (Australia), University Department of Dermatology in Kiel and Berlin (Charité, Germany).
Professor Stockfleth is a member of several organisations including the European Academy of Dermatology and Oncology, European Dermatology Forum, Federal Association of Organ Transplant Patients, and both the European and American Academies of Dermatology.
Professor Stockfleth is also involved in teaching including training courses for local and international dermatologists, academic courses with bedside teaching, supervision and support of graduate students in medicine and natural sciences, development of teaching concepts based on evidence and problem based medicine, and he has presented more than 1000 international and national lectures.
His research activities include project leader for international and national studies, especially in the area of prevention (sun protection) and treatment of skin tumors, research periods in Chicago, Mexico City and Sydney, he has more than 300 publications listed in PubMed, and has authored 40 book chapters and 10 books.
Olivier Revol (France)
Adolescents, Sun and Addiction: The Twilight Zone
Doctor Olivier Revol is the author of several scientific publications on intellectual precocity, hyperactivity and school difficulties.
He is the head of a department of child neuro-psychiatry at the University Hospital of Lyon. He teaches at the University of Lyon 1 and has been campaigning for 30 years to ensure that every child, whatever their abilities, discovers the pleasure of learning at school. He was awarded an academic prize in February 2006. He has published three books with JC Lattès: "Même pas grave! L'échec scolaire ça se soigne" in 2006, "J'ai un ado, mais je me soigne. "in 2010, and "On se calme" in 2013. In 2015 he co-authored "100 idées pour accompagner les enfants à Haut Potentiel" (Tom Pousse), and in 2019 "Les Philocognitifs" (Odile Jacob).
He currently helps parents and professionals to understand the new codes of children and adolescents, with a particular interest in siblings of different children.
Philippe Lebaron (France)
UV filters and impacts on marine life: state of the Science, Data Gaps and Next Steps
Philippe Lebaron : PhD, Full Professor Sorbonne University in Paris since 1989. He has been the founding director of the microbial ecology laboratory within the Marine Research Institute in Banyuls-sur-mer, France, and the main investigator of many research projects funded by the European commission.
All along his career, he has been working in close collaboration with private companies. In 2000 he was awarded for his Research and Creative Activity by the Wintrebert price. In 2013 he was distinguished by the French Ministry for Education and Research and received the Academic Palms.
From 2005 to 2015 he has been the director of the marine research institute in Banyulssur-mer and has contributed to an important development of the research center. In 2016, he spent a sabbatical year in Woods Hole and Boston (USA) to study the skin microbiome of whales and human mouse.
From 2008 to 2013 he directed the Chair of Biology at the Oceanographic Institute of Paris. Since 2015, Prof. Philippe Lebaron is heading the national committee in charge of the development of joint research teams linking academic laboratories with private companies.
So far, Philippe Lebaron published over 200 papers present in the Science Citation Index, a few book chapters and he is co-editor of the book « Environmental Microbiology : Fundamentals and Applications » published by Springer Netherlands, 2015 (882 pages). Since November 2018 he is the Vice-President of Sorbonne University in charge of economic partnerships.
Daniel Bacqueville (France)
Phenylene Bis-Diphenyltriazine(TriAsorbB), an innovative sunfilter protecting against both UVB+UVA and blue light radiations
Daniel Bacqueville, is a researcher in Skin Pharmacology, Pharmaco-Clinical Research Department at Pierre Fabre Laboratories.
He is Doctor es Sciences, MSc Molecular Pharmacology and Toxicology and PhD Cellular Biology and Biochemistry with academic research for 10 years at INSERM/CNRS.
He is an expert in several fields such as Photoprotection, Aging and Hair Physiopathology from cell to human skin, the evaluation of active ingredients and dermo-cosmetic formulations (sunscreen, anti-aging) ; the development of innovative 2D and 3D skin models and biological target screening ; Cellular and tissue imaging technologies (confocal microscopy, multiphoton) ; Pharmaco-clinical trials in healthy volunteers and skin care product testing.
Daniel Bacqueville is involved in national and International collaborations in Dermatology. He is the author of more than 30 papers in peer reviews journal and congress, and the Co- inventor of PFDC patents.
Giuseppe Argenziano (Italy)
WORKSHOP Dermoscopy & YouDermoscopy
Giuseppe Argenziano is Full Professor and Head of the Dermatology Unit at the University of Campania, Naples, Italy; Co-founder and past president of the International Dermoscopy Society; and Editor-in-Chief of dermatology Practical and Conceptual Journal.
His main research field is dermato-oncology, being author of numerous scientific articles and books concerning dermoscopy, melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer. As coordinator of the Melanoma Unit at the Campania University, he has established a successful tertiary, multidisciplinary, referral center particularly devoted to the diagnosis and management of patients with melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer.
Over the past 25 years he has supervised over 500 foreign and Italian residents in Dermatology, established scientific collaborations with more than 1500 colleagues from more than 50 Nations, and organized more than 500 national and international didactic meetings, courses and conferences (such as the Consensus Net Meeting on Dermoscopy and the First Congress of the International Dermoscopy Society). Professor Argenziano has authored more than 650 full scientific articles and produced landmark primary publications and books in the field of melanoma and dermoscopy.
Over the past 25 years he has been invited as speaker and/or chairman in more than 500 national and international conferences in the field of dermatology. His combined publications have received a sum total of 15.500+ citations with an h-index value of 62 (Scopus 2021).
Véronique Del Marmol (Belgium)
Euromelanoma : 20 years of prevention and screening
Professor Veronique del Marmol is the Head of the Department of Dermatology at Hospital Erasme, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. Skin cancer, inflammatory diseases, wound healing and non-invasive imaging are the main areas of interest for Professor del Marmol.
In recognition of her work in these fields, she has been awarded many scholarships and grants, including the Major Roche Dermatology Fundamental Research Award. She authored and co-authored more than 153 peer reviewed articles and 7 books (H index 42 - 6752 citations) and in particular in Experimental Dermatology, Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (JEADV), Nature and New England Journal of Medicine.
Since 2009 she is leading at the European level the European skin cancer prevention campaign EUROMELANOMA. She is a founding member of European Hidradenitis Suppurativa Foundation and leading the European registry for Hidradenitis suppurativa. She is or has been board member of the European dermatology forum (EDF), the Academy of Dermatology and Venerology (EADV) the European Academy of Dermato-oncology (EADO) and the European Pigment cell society (ESPCR). She is vice-president of the Belgian society of dermatology and in 2014 she has been elected as member of the Belgian Royal Academy of Medicine
Giovanni Pellacani (Italy)
Photocarcinogenesis : what’s new from non invasive imaging
Professor Giovanni Pellacani has been a full Professor in Dermatology since 2007. He is Chairman of the Dermatology Clinicand Director of the School of Dermatologyof the University La Sapienza, Roma.
He practices research mainly inthe field of dermato-oncology, andin the evaluation of inflammatory diseases and skin aging, since 1995, mainly focused on melanoma and skin cancer early identification by dermoscopy, digital image analysis, confocal microscopy and optical coherence tomography. Identification of biomarkers and genetics for characterization of familial syndromes and somatic mutations related with different tumor aspects and aggressiveness represent other areas of research.
He has also participated in relevant projects such as 5 Italian Ministry of University and Education (PRIN)Italy-USA project for oncoproteomics; 4 European Projects: POSDRU, for the development of dermato-oncology in medical higher education; 2008-2012 "Skinspection"for development of Multiphoton Microscopy; 2014-2017“DIAGNOPTICS”, development of multimodal imaging systems; 2014-2017“ADVANCE”, for the development of dynamic optical coherence tomography. Italian Ministery of Health: NET2011 (2016-2019), on confocal microscopy integration in a regional hospital network.
Professor Pellacani is Board member of ILDS, and other national and international Societies, and President of the World Congress of Dermatology, Milan 2019
He is the author of more than 800papers, including more than 600 articles in the SCI, and 40book chapters and more than 500 abstracts in conferences. H-index=52 (Scopus)
Vincent Sibaud (France)
Anticancer treatments and photosensitivity
Doctor Vincent Sibaud is a senior physician, specialist in oncodermatology. He works in a comprehensive cancer center, University Cancer Institute, Toulouse Oncopole in France.
His clinical expertise is mainly focused on the management of dermatological toxicities induced by cancer treatments, whether targeted therapies, chemotherapy or cancer immunotherapy. He is a cofounder of the European network for cutaneous adverse events to oncologic drugs (ENCADO), which includes now over 60 members from 15 European countries. He is also particularly involved in the management of oral diseases, with a multi-weekly activity in this field.
Doctor Vincent Sibaud has published more than a hundred peer review publications, mainly in these two areas of activity. He is also the author of several medical books ("Cutaneous side effects induced by targeted anticancer therapies: a new dermatology" Robert C, Sibaud V, eds (2011); "Dermatology of anticancer treatments - Practical textbook" Sibaud V, Delord JP, Robert C, eds (2014)) and the main founder of the SOS oncoskin App.