Cellular senescence : searching for the philosopher ‘s stone
Scientific program
Zoe Draelos
Cosmeceuticals: what’s new in anti-aging?

Zoe Diana Draelos, MD, is a research and clinical board-certified dermatologist and a Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology. She is in solo private practice in High Point, North Carolina, and an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Dermatology at Duke University. In 1988, she founded Dermatology Consulting Services, PLLC, to initiate and perform research in aging skin, acne, rosacea, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, actinic keratoses, eczema, and aesthetic procedures in the cosmetic, OTC drug, and pharmaceutical areas. Prior to pursuing a medical career, Dr. Draelos completed an undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering and was elected a Rhodes Scholar. A member of Sigma Xi research honorary and Alpha Omega Alpha medical honorary, she is author of 14 books including Cosmetics in Dermatology and Hair Cosmetics. She is the editor of Cosmetic Dermatology: Products and Procedures and Cosmeceuticals, both in their third edition with translations into 7 languages. She has contributed chapters to 44 textbooks, written 120 posters, served as the principle investigator on 862 studies, written 612 published papers, delivered 360 oral presentations, served on or contributed to 38 journal editorial boards, functioned as the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology for 10 years, and was a past member of the Board of Directors of the American Academy of Dermatology and the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. She was elected Vice-President of the American Academy of Dermatology. She is recognized as a pioneer in cosmetic dermatology and received a lifetime achievement award from Health Beauty America for her research and the 2008 DermArts award for her contributions to dermatology. In 2010, she received the Albert Kligman Innovation Award and in 2016 she was awarded a Presidential Citation from the American Academy of Dermatology for her research contributions to advance the specialty. She received the prestigious Maison deNavarre award from the Society of Cosmetic Chemists for her contributions to the art and science of cosmetics in 2017. In 2019, she was the inaugural recipient of the Florence Wall Award from the Society of Cosmetics Chemists honoring her as the most influential woman in cosmetic science.
Greg Goodman
Photo aging in Australia

Greg Goodman AM is an Australian dermatologist and holds academic appointments as Clinical Professor at Monash University, Melbourne and as an Associate Professor at the University College of London, is head of taskforce for the Australasian College of Dermatologists in higher education in Cosmetic Dermatology, president of the Australasian Society of Dermatologists (ASCD) and one of Heads of Faculty, Allergan Medical Institute. He has designed and patented software to determine skin age(MBP) and developed personalised skin care selection software (Script). He is a director of Facecoach and Facecoachlive to better educate the profession in non surgical procedural techniques.
Dr Goodman holds a Doctorate of Medicine (MD) in post-acne scarring and a Graduate Diploma in Clinical Epidemiology (GradDipClinEpi) from Monash University.
He was awarded an Order of Australia (AM) in the general division January 2021.
Dr Goodman lectures in Australia and internationally on skin ageing, skin care, cosmesis and complications of treatments. He has published widelyon acne, acne scarring, and cosmetic dermatology, Dr Goodman reviews for many local and overseas journals and is an International Contributing Editor of the Journal of Dermatologic Surgery.
Jean-Marc Lemaitre
Emerging approaches to target the hallmarks of aging in the skin

Jean-Marc Lemaitre is Co-Director of the Institute of Regenerative Medicine and Biotherapies of Montpellier (France) since 2015.
He started his career in 1984 as engineer at CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research). After a Ph.D. of Molecular and Cellular Biology of Development at Paris 7 University received in 1995 and a Post-Doc at Jacques Monod Institute in Paris, he joined the Institute of Human Genetics of Montpellier (IGH), where he obtained a tenure position at INSERM (National Institute for Scientific and Medical Research) in 2004.
As major achievements, he demonstrated the existence of an overlap between mitosis and S phase in rapid cell of early embryogenesis (Lemaitre et al., JCB 1998), he identified CDC6 the only oocyte missing replicating factor translated during maturation to give the competence to replicate to the embryo (Lemaitre et al., Nature 2002) and identified mitosis as a key step in the reprogramming of the genome in nuclear transfer experiments (Lemaitre et al., Cell 2005).
Awarded by an AVENIR INSERM Program in 2006, he obtained a senior Group leader position in 2010 at the Institute of Functional Genomics of Montpellier (IGF) working on Genome and Stem Cell Plasticity in aging. He mapped replication origins in human cells and identified a G-quadruplexes as a consensus sequence for priming (Besnard et al., NSMB 2012) and identified replication timing domain signatures of physiological and accelerated aging (Riveria-Mulla et al., PNAS 2017). He identified DNMT1 as a major actor in the reorganization of chromosomes in SAHFs during senescence induced by oncogene (Sati et al., Mol Cell 2020).
His main contributions include the demonstration of cellular aging reversibility through a patented iPSC reprogramming strategy, as a new paradigm of cell rejuvenation (Lapasset et al., Genes &Dev 2011) and that a single in vivo transient reprogramming might prevent age related diseases (Alle et al., Aging Cell 2022).
He is co-founder and advisor of two startup INGRAALYS (dedicated to skin rejuvenation and hair regrowth by reprogramming strategies) and ORGANIPS (dedicated to the production of human organoids from iPSC).
Leihong Xiang
Mechanisms of skin aging and advances in anti-aging in Asia

Professor & Vice Chair of Department of Dermatology, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University
Vice director of Institute of Dermatology, Fudan University.
She graduated from Shanghai Medical University with M.D. in 1992 and got Ph.D. in 1999. She worked at Division of Dermatology, Department of Medicine, Queen Mary Hospital, University of Hong Kong during 2001-2002. She was also as clinical observer in Department of Dermatology, Harvard Medical School in 2005.
Professor XIANG Leihong has devoted herself in dermatology for more than 30 years, especially majored in melanocytes research and pigmentary skin disorders, acne and sebaceous gland related diseases and medical laser and photodynamic therapy. She shows her unique ingenuity on the overall professional development of this field. She has over one hundred publications and participated in the writing of more than 30 books. In recent 10 years, she received lots of funds as the project leader, including three National Natural Science Foundation of China, one Shanghai Municipal Nature Science Foundation, etc. She is the associate editor for J Invest Dermatol and peer reviewers for the academic journals.
She is vice chair of China Dermatologist Association (CDA), Society of Dermatology, China Association of the Integration of Traditional and Western Medicine (CAIM); Committee member of China Society of Dermatology (CSD); vice president of China Society of Minimally Invasive Aesthetic Plastic Surgery & Dermatology (MIAPSD) ; President of Asian Society of Pigment Cell Research (ASPCR) and council member of IFPCS during 2017-2020; Council Member of Asian Dermatological Association (ADA) and Asian Academy of Dermatology and Venerology (AADV), etc.
Kui Young Park
The role and practical application of dermo-cosmetics in aesthetic procedures

Dr. Kui Young Park is an assistant professor in the Department of Dermatology at Chung-Ang University medical center. She completed her dermatology fellowship in 2012 at Chung-Ang University medical center. She has treated various kinds of pediatric dermatology and had a lot of experience with esthetic and anti-aging dermatology. She provides reliable cares for patients on the basis of sustainable studies and her own know-how.
Dr. Kui Young Park holds 2 MD and Bachelor's degree, and 9 Doctor's degree from
Chung-Ang University in Seoul.
During her career, she successively held the positions of Assistant Professor, Clinical Associate Professor, and Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Dermatology of Chung-Ang University Hospital in Seoul.
Dr Kui Young Park is member of several institutional committees as the Korean Dermatologic Association, the Korean Acne and Rosacea Society, the Korean Medical Society for Cosmetics, and the Korean Society for Anti-Aging Dermatology.
She also obtained the Korean Board of Dermatology Diploma in 2010.
Leona Yip
Anti-aging trends in Australia

Dr Leona Yip MBChB PhD FACD is a Melbourne-trained medical, surgical and laser dermatologist. She is Director of Skin Partners, a leading specialist dermatology practice in central Brisbane. She has also worked extensively in private and public practice in Melbourne and Canberra. Whilst in Canberra, she provided private specialist care to various embassies and international diplomatic missions.
Dr Yip’s PhD thesis on female pattern hair loss was nominated for the Chancellor's Prize, and her research work won multiple awards and research grants. She is well-published in various aspects of dermatology and is a Reviewer for multiple peer-reviewed medical journals. Dr Yip served as an Editorial Consultant for The British Journal of Dermatology from 2018-2021.
She is a member of various international and Australian expert groups and advisory committees, including the Dermatology Expert Group involved with the formulation of Dermatology Therapeutic Guidelines in Australia. Dr Yip has also served as Medical Consultant, Key Opinion Leader and Advisory Board Member for various leading pharmaceutical and consumer skincare companies. She is passionate about skin health advocacy and education where she regularly interacts with stakeholders including patient support groups, skin health organisations, and various media outlets to improve skin health literacy. She regularly speaks at medical meetings and commonly features on tv, radio, and in printed and online media as a skin and hair expert.
Dr Yip’s broad range of unique expertise that incorporates her specialist training, research and academic background, years of real-world clinical experience, dermatology expert group memberships and her robust relationship with pharmaceutical and consumer skincare industry leaders enable her to offer an all-rounded and holistic perspective to all facets of dermatology.
Jean-Hilaire Saurat
Targets and weapons in skin aging concepts and proofs

Jean-Hilaire Saurat, MD,is professor emeritus at Geneva University where he chaired the department of Dermatology for 28 years. He had studied Dermatology at the Hôpital Saint-Louis, and Experimental Pathology at the Faculté Necker Enfants Malades, both in Paris.
Prof. Saurat has been President of the International League of Dermatological Societies (ILDS), President of the European Society for Dermatological Research (ESDR), and the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV).
Prof. Saurat has been chief editor of Dermatology 1986-2015 , and has been section editor of the Journal of Investigative Dermatology 1987-1997. He is the leading editor for editions 1st through 6th of the French Textbook of Dermatology Elsevier-Masson pub.
Prof. Saurat’ current research includes: sebaceous glands pathophysiology, skin aging/dermatoporosis, dermatotoxicology, and retinoids. His past research interests have included inflammatory skin diseases, graft-versus-host reaction, severe drug reactions, and pediatric dermatology.
Prof Saurat currently has a selected private practice in Geneva.
Prof. Saurat citations report indicates his 1.027 publications were cited 24.845 times, with an h-index of 75.
Prof. Saurat is “Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur” France.
Patrick Bogdanowicz
Workshop: actives to target skin cells senecence

Patrick Bogdanowicz is a researcher in Skin Pharmacology at the Pharmaco-Clinical Research Department of Pierre Fabre Dermo-cosmetique
He has a PhD “Cellular and Molecular Biology” and MSc “Biochemistry and Applied Biology” with 13 years of academic research at University of Caen (France) and Toronto (Canada).Then he was assistant & assistant lecturers for 2 years at the University of Caen (France).
Laureate of the French Academy of Medicine, he’s currently researcher for 16 years in Pharmacology at Pierre Fabre Laboratories (Toulouse, France).
Its areas of expertise are Skin Aging, Skin Pigmentation and Hair Physiopathology from cell to human skin
He is in charge of evaluation of active ingredients and dermo-cosmetic formulations (anti-aging and skin pigmentation), and has expertise in biomimicry.
He works on the development of innovative 2D and 3D skin models and biological target screening on multi-Omics technologies (proteomic, transcriptomic…), and sets up pharmaco-clinical trials in healthy volunteers and skin care product testing.
He has french and international collaborations in dermo-cosmetic research and is author of 24 papers in peer reviews journal and co-inventor of 7 patents.
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